- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 92
- Full Text
- Labor for learning before you grow old
for it is better than silver of gold
When silver is gone and money is spent
then learning is most excellent
- Listed on Page Number
- 267
- Sampler Worked By
- Sarah Knowles
- Date of Sampler
- 1736
- Place Sampler Made
- Charleston, NC
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 31
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- Unknown. Ubiquitous with no known original author.
- Notes
- Verse also used by:
Jane Ball, 1762, Charleston, SC. p.31;
Ruthie Baldwin, 1794, n.p., p 31;
Sally Haynes, 1785, Boston, MA p.51;
Isabel Taylor, 1794, 2 Liberty St, NYC, p79;
Mary Waixe, 1795, n.p., p.84;
Lucretia Buttrick, 18--, Concord, MA, p135;
Maria Fay, 1811, n.p., p155.
Verse 39 & 92
Sarah Knowles sampler is owned by Winterthur Museum, Library, and Garden (#2011.13) While both verses are stitched on Sarah Knowles’s sampler, Bolton & Coe identifies the first verse as #39 and the second verse as #92.