Labor for learning before you grow old for it is better than silver of gold When silver is gone and money is spent then learning is most excellent

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
Labor for learning before you grow old for it is better than silver of gold When silver is gone and money is spent then learning is most excellent
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Sarah Knowles
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Charleston, NC
Sampler Listed on Page
Unknown. Ubiquitous with no known original author.
Verse also used by: Jane Ball, 1762, Charleston, SC. p.31; Ruthie Baldwin, 1794, n.p., p 31; Sally Haynes, 1785, Boston, MA p.51; Isabel Taylor, 1794, 2 Liberty St, NYC, p79; Mary Waixe, 1795, n.p., p.84; Lucretia Buttrick, 18--, Concord, MA, p135; Maria Fay, 1811, n.p., p155. Verse 39 & 92 Sarah Knowles sampler is owned by Winterthur Museum, Library, and Garden (#2011.13) While both verses are stitched on Sarah Knowles’s sampler, Bolton & Coe identifies the first verse as #39 and the second verse as #92.