- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 118
- Full Text
- Let solid sense her mind inform
Let gentle love her bosom warm
Let her be void of foolish pride
And modesty her bosom guide
- Listed on Page Number
- 270
- Sampler Worked By
- Betsy K. Smith
- Date of Sampler
- 1818
- Place Sampler Made
- n.p.
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 223
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- Gumley, Isaac. Mental Recreations: Or Poetical Essays on Various Subjects. Market-Harboroug, England, 1797.
- Notes
- https://www.google.com/books/edition/Mental_recreations_or_Practical_essays_o/yXECAAAAQAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22if+you+my+friend+would+have+a+wife%22&pg=PA109&printsec=frontcover
On page 109 is title: 'Advice to a Friend on the Choice of a Wife' On page 110 is verse.