Lamar Awards for Excellence

Black and white photo of two women in fancy hats and dress clothes holding a giant book

About the Awards

Named for Clara Pendleton Lamar, remarkable Georgia Dame and longtime national officer of the NSCDA, the Lamar Awards recognize outstanding corporate society projects and programs in our three mission areas: museum properties, historical activities, and patriotic service. The goal of the prestigious Lamar Awards is to bring together our members from across the country to share projects, inspire one another, and reach new heights.


Projects are judged on the following criteria:

  • Success in supporting our mission
  • Ability to engage NSCDA's members
  • Ability to educate the public about historic preservation and Colonial history
  • Potential for replication in other locations
  • Overall accomplishments

Past Recipients

Florida Society, "FOAR From Home"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Patriotic Service

Illinois Society, "No Dough Dinners"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Patriotic Service

South Carolina Society, "Veterans History Project"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Patriotic Service

North Carolina, "Outlander in the Cape Fear"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Historical Activities

West Virginia, "Mark Twain Comes to West Virginia"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Historical Activities

Georgia "Tasting Traditions: African American Foodways"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Museum Alliance

Texas, "The Slave Quarters Experience: A Weekend for Community"

2022 Lamar Award for Excellence, Museum Alliance