Johnson, Eliza Ann (age 16)

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Johnson, Eliza Ann (age 16)
Date made
Lynn, MA US
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
A family register and memorial. At the center bottom a large three story house with a fenced yard. A man and a dog on the R with lambs on a hilltop with trees with buildings in the background. On the L a small monument with an overhanging willow tree. Border of large cabbage roses. (Note: a similar building, tree, monument and background R buildings also appear on sampler #4712).
A Family Register / Mr. Timothy Johnson was born Dec 30th 1763 / Miss Elizabeth Chadwell was born July 12th 1769 / Were married Nov 15th 1789 / Names Births Deaths Lydia Johnson was born Oct 31st 1790 / Timothy Johnson was born Dec 30th 1793 died Nov 12 1795 / Timothy Johnson was born Aug 26th 1796 / Rufus Johnson was born Oct 30th 1798 / Richard Johnson was born June 30th 1805 / Eliza Ann Johnson was born June 22d 1810 / Mr Timothy Johnson Mrs Elizabeth Johnson / (On L): But they shall live again / Enrobed in bright array / Shall take their part in heavenly strains / In everlasting day / (On R): Then stop the falling tear / And hush the heaving sigh / And sorrow not for them they're where / Eternal joys arise / (On the tomb on the L): T J (In a leaf cartouche at center bottom): Wrought by / Eliza Ann Johnson / 1826 aged 16 / years //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
Historical Owner
Lynn Museum, Lynn, MA
Owner Private
Lynn Museum