Kendall, Ann (age 11)

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Kendall, Ann (age 11)
Date made
England or US
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
Adam and Eve stand beneath the Tree of Knowledge, another tree on L and R. Across the bottom are animals including a deer, peacocks, dogs, bird. A reversing arcaded border with small flowers on all four sides.
Ann Kendall Work Done 11 Years Lord give me Wisdom to direct my ways beg not the riches nor the le / She Plucked the fruit it tasted sweet and gave to Adam / for to eat the which did all her glory blast they out of par / adise were east God said the woman shall be still Subject / unto her husbands will also i will decree that thou / shall work with sweat upon they brow Nevertheless the womans see shall break the serpents head indeed be thou faithful unto death and I will give the a crown of Life / Ann Kendall Work / Done 11 Years //
Length Without Frame
16 1/2"
Width Without Frame
23 5/16"
Historical Owner
#1960.9.66 Gift of Mrs. James W. Packard (Elizabeth Gillmer, class of 1894)
Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Owner Private
Vassar College Loeb Art Center