- Maker
- Muir, Agnes
- Date made
- 1817
- Origin
- Kirkinloch, Scotland
- Stitches
- Cross
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- 1 alphabet: elaborate uppercase, no J or U. Simple stitched lines and one very wide cross band. At the center a fountain(?) with two facing red birds. Above them are six small white doves and a crown. At the center bottom Adam & Eve and the Tree of Knowledge. Various scattered motifs of a deer, a rooster, facing birds, dogs, trees. Arcaded border all four sides.
- Inscription
- (At upper R) MArorAEL DollAr / (At center L): Charles muir Elizab / eth calder Agnes / muir William mu / ir John muir Elisab eth muir George / muir Archibald / muir James Muir / Marey muir / (At the bottom): AGnes MUir SEWED this sAMPler At / KIrKIntiloch June 5 1817 P31 30 FAVour is deceitFul And beauty is vane but / A womSAn that Feareth the lord She shal be Praised //
- Historical Owner
- #1969-288-273
- Owner
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
- Owner Private
- Philadelphia Museum of Art