- Maker
- Brown, Elinor
- Date made
- 1733
- Origin
- England
- Stitches
- Satin, Cross, Marking cross, Eyelet, Stem, Split, Chain, French knot,
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- 4 alphabets: each missing the J and the U. Numbers 1-11. Some initials. Motifs of small trees, hearts, crowns. One cross band with birds and small flowers. Various stitched lines. A densely worked border of a highly stylized flower-head and leaf pattern all four sides. (Note: for a nearly identical sampler see #5197 stitched by Elizabeth Rawlins and owned by the Fitzwilliam Museum in England. Both were almost certainly done under the tutelage of the same unknown instructor).
- Inscription
- Content Is The Chiefest Treasure Of The Mind / And Happy Those So Sure A Blessing Find / It Is That Gives Reail Worth To All We Have / Without Content Mankind Is A General Slave / OUR Father which art in Heaven / Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come / Thy will be / done in Earth as it is in HeaVen Give Us this daY our daily / bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against / us And lead us not into Temtation but deliver us from all Evil For thine Is / the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen / Fancy Thou Busy Offspring Of The Mind / Thou Roving Rainging Rambler Unconfind / RestlessThy Self Wont Let Poor Me Alone / Thou Something Nothing Any Thing In One / Elinor Brown Her Work Finished February the 24 1733 //
- Length Without Frame
- 29 cm
- Width Without Frame
- 25.5 cm
- Historical Owner
- Purchased
- Owner
- Private collector
- Owner Private
- Laurel Gabel