- Maker
- Kelly, Catharine (age 16)
- Date made
- 1765
- Origin
- England
- Stitches
- Cross
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Cotton
- Predominent Motif
- At the top a flower filled basket flanked by eight pointed stars, three flower filled baskets lower center, plants and flowers and small diamond motifs. Flowers across the bottom. Reversing arcaded strawberry border all four sides.
- Inscription
- EASTER DAY / If Angels sung a SAVIOUR?S Birth , / on that auspicious Morn, / Then let us imitate their mirth , / Now he again be born. / Himself he humbled to the Grave / Made Flesh like us, to shew / That we as certainly shall have / A Resurrection too. / (At the bottom): Catharine Kelly?s sampler finished this 28 / Day of March Aged 16 Years, 1765.? (Note: date has been altered ). //
- Length Without Frame
- 21"
- Width Without Frame
- 12 5/8"
- Historical Owner
- #50.4012 Gift of Mrs. Edward C. Moore, Miss Mary Magoun Brown in memory of their mother, Mrs. John Crosby Brown.
- Owner
- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
- Owner Private
- Museum of Fine Arts