Tincom, Esther (age 10)

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Tincom, Esther (age 10)
Date made
ca. 1769
Boston, MA US
Cross, Marking Cross, Satin, French knot, Tent, Long-armed cross, Outline, Stem, Chain, Roumanian, Bullion.
In Bolton & Co.
No Verse #490. 1708. Page 316.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
4 alphabets: no J's, V and U transposed. Numbers 1-9. All rows are separated by simple geometric cross bands. Two wider cross bands of birds, trees, plants, strawberries, flowers. Above the alphabets is an angular arcade with 3 angels. The lower third of the sampler contains a landscape with hollyhocks and strawberries, two dogs chasing a running stag, a shepherdess and sheep, three flowering trees, a parrot and a hummingbird. Flowering vine border across top and down both sides.
ESTHer Tincom IS MY Name and England IS MY Nation / Boston IS MY dwelling Place and Christ IS MY Salvation / When I am dead and in my grave and all my bones are rotten / When This You See remember Me That I Mant be for / (gotten Do)ne in the 10 year of MY age //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
15 5/8"
Original Frame
Historical Owner
#T 11099 Gift of William Young Patch.
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Owner Private
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History