Young, Ellen (age 13)

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Young, Ellen (age 13)
Date made
Cape May, NJ US
Cross, Satin,
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Predominent Motif
Two large baskets of geometric flowers at the bottom with a fruited tree in the center with a bird on the ground on each side. A row with birds in the center with smaller baskets of fruit and birds. A row of 3 dogs in a line going down on each side. Inner saw tooth border with a reversing arcaded carnation border all four sides.
Extract / But the Lilly the Tulip the Violet and Rose / They bloom in the morning at evening they close / In this too they teach us wer born for decay / And like flowers of the summer are Passing away / But our souls are immortal for bliss or for wo / And the fruits of our spirits must know / (Near bottom L): Ellen Young wrought / this sampler in the 13 / th year of her age oct / ober the 20th 1833 (On the R): Harriet Ann Wales / Preceptress in the / Vecinity of Littlew / orth Cape May * N J //
Length Without Frame
17 3/4"
Width Without Frame
Original Frame
Historical Owner
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ
Owner Private
New Jersey State Museum