Alley, Mary Ann (age 10)

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Alley, Mary Ann (age 10)
Date made
Lynn, MA US
Cross, Satin, Stem, Split (Kensington),
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
A family register done in a saw tooth stitched rectangle. Border of flowers and leaves all four sides.
Family Register / Mr Joseph Alley Jr born May 6th 1789 / Miss Anna Tarbox born October 29th 1789 / they were married Lynn May 3d 1807 / Childrens Names. Births. Deaths / Mary Ann born April 6th 1808. died Oct. 30th 1877 / George Warren born July 27th died Sept 27th / 1810 1811 / Mr Joseph Alley Mrs Anna Alley / died August 22d 1812 / Why do we mourn departing friends? / or shake at death's allarms? / 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, / to call them to his arms. / Wrought by Mary Ann Alley Lynn / October 9th 1818 aged 10 years. // (Note: Mary Ann's date of death added by another, probably family member, at a later date). //
Length Without Frame
17 1/2"
Width Without Frame
8 5/6"
Historical Owner
Lynn Museum, Lynn, MA
Owner Private
Lynn Museum