Nissley, Fanny (age 18)

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Nissley, Fanny (age 18)
Date made
Rapho Township, PA US
Cross, Back.
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Plain Weave
Embroidery Thread
Silk, Cotton
Predominent Motif
Crown heart with 7 branches, German in origin and favored by Mennonites such as Fanny. Motifs of peacocks, stars, prancing deer, flowers. Small rosette border all four sides framed with a two color ribbon border with rosettes at the corners. .
Fanny Nissley A Daughter of Martin Nissley and Anna / Nissley is Born the 3 day of December 1821 Rapho is my Station / Heaven is my Dwelling place and Christ is my Salvation When I / am dead and in my grave and all my bones are rotten when this / you see remember me Else I shall be forgotten. the rose is ret the / lives are green the days are past which I hav seen. Fanny / Nissley her Samplier workd in the 8th year of her age in / the year of our Lord. Rapho Township Lancester County / and State of Pennsylvania. November the 18th 1839 AD / / (Circling a motif in the center): OEHBDDE which stands for: Edel Herz BeDenk Dein End (Oh noble heart think on thine end) / /
Length Without Frame
22 1/8"
Width Without Frame
21 1/2"
Original Frame
Historical Owner
#1969-288-145 Whitman Sampler Collection, gift of Pet, Inc. 1969
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Owner Private
Philadelphia Museum of Art