Banes, Elizabeth (born 177?)

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Banes, Elizabeth (born 177?)
Date made
Cross, Eyelet,
In Bolton & Co.
Predominent Motif
1 uppercase alphabet: missing the J and Z. Numbers 1-7 and two undecipherable (9 8?). Various simple stitched lines and wide and narrow cross bands. In the bottom panel a two story house set on a green lawn with two facing large birds. On each side a fenced yard with a bird perched in a tall tree, various plants and birds flying in the sky. Reversing arcaded flower border up both sides and a wide arcaded tulip and flower border across the top.
(Following the numbers): Iune 1796 * / ElIzabeth * Batles Was / born nov. 30 * 1 7 7 (Last number has been removed: what better way to hide your age!).
Historical Owner
Donated to the Society by Sybil Tatum Jones in 1939. It was previously owned by Governor Pennypacker of Pennsylvania and was purchased at a sale of his collection.
Gloucester County Historical Society, Gloucester, NJ
Owner Private
Gloucester County Historical Society