Sturdivant, Jane (b. 1817)

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Sturdivant, Jane (b. 1817)
Date made
ca. 1830
Cumberland, ME US
Cross, Stem, Four sided cross.
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Silk, Chenille
Predominent Motif
Sturdivant family register listing births of family members. In areas wher this sampler was not finished you can see the pattern for the border drawn with pencil onto the linen.
G E N E A L O G Y / Ephraim Sturdivant born in Cumberland Febuary 14 1782 / Rachel Drinkwater born in do............March 27 1789 / Married Jan 12 1809 / P R O G E N Y / Alvan Sturdivant born in Cumberland Oct 9 1810 / Caroline Sturdivant born in do............ June 30 1812 / Margaret Sturdivant born in do............ Sept. 20 1813 / Rachel Sturdivant born in do............Jane Ssturdivant born in do............Sept. 9 1817 / Harriet Sturdivant born in do............June 11 1810 / Allethere Sturdivant born in do............ Aug 11 1823 / Henry Sturdivant born in do............ Aug 11 1823 / Hannah Sturdivant born in do............ Oct 13 1825 / Wrought by Jane Sturdivant //
Historical Owner
Gift of Eva Lull Carr.
Mormon Church History Museum , Salt Lake City, UT
Owner Private
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints