- Maker
- Suttie, Robina
- Date made
- 1839
- Origin
- Scotland
- Stitches
- Cross, Satin, Stem.
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- A large three story house with two chimneys and an el on each site dominates the center of this sampler. A figure can be seen in a window on the second floor and on the third floor. A solid green lawn with small animals near the bottom. A female figure on the R near a potted plant. Two trees, flying birds. One wide cross band at the top. Rose border all four sides.
- Inscription
- (In a flowered and ribboned cartouche on the L): GIVE YOUR HheART / TO YOUR CReAtOR. / ReveRence to YOUR / PARents. (On the L): The eyes oF The / LORD ARe in eveRy / PLACe, BehOLDinG The / EVIL AND The GOOD. / (At the bottom): ROBINA SUTTER GREENOCK 1839 JS CD JSRS TSAD AB //
- Original Frame
- Unframed
- Historical Owner
- #1969-288-243
- Owner
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
- Owner Private
- Philadelphia Museum of Art