Symonds, Lucy (age 11)

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Symonds, Lucy (age 11)
Date made
Boxford, MA US
Cross, Satin, Surface satin, Chain.
In Bolton & Co.
Yes ......... Page 78. Verses #653.Page 337. Verse #650.Page 337. Verse 141. Page 273. All in 1796.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
At the bottom: 5 hills, on the center one a large vase of flowers, birds, two trees on the L and R and baskets on the remaining two from which a vine covered with assorted flowers springs and continues as a border up both sides and across the top.
(In a sawtooth stitched central square): Sweetly blooms the rose of may / Glitt'ring with the tears of morn / So insideous smiles betray / While they hide the treach'rous thorn / Thrice blest is he who throug lif's thorny road / Can pass with pleasure and without a sigh / Who views unmov'd this frailty of abode / Who lives in peace, and never fears to die / Who craves but little, and but little wants / Whose aims are noble, and his vices few. / These pollish'd arts have humaniz'd mankind / Soften'd the rude and calm'd the boistrious mind. / Lucy Symonds aged eleven years / Boxford August ye 13 1796 //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
Original Frame
Historical Owner
#T.30-1923 Owned by Mrs. Henry E. Coe. Donated by Mrs. Antrobus
Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK
Owner Private
Victoria and Albert Museum