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Date made
Salem County, NJ US
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Predominent Motif
A mourning sampler done perhaps by a family member for Samuel Smith Bee age 14. A large weeping willow at top L and R. Reversing arcaded strawberry border all four sides.
IN / Memory of Samuel Smith Bee / who was born at Pennsneck / near Salem, N.J. August 9 1843 / Baptized by Dr Perkins, / Sunday even April 13th 1856. United / with the First Baptist Church Salem / April 20th / Drowned in Salem Creek Thursday noon July 23ed 1857. / Dr Perkins preached his Funeral Sermon Sunday morning / Aug 9th on his fourteenth birthday from Proverbs ch 27 vers / Boast not thy self of tomorrow for thou Knowest not what / a day may bring Forth. / (On the L): Brother thou art gone to rest, / Thine is an early tomb, / But Jesus summoned the away, / Thy Saviour called thee home. / Brother thou art gone to rest; / Thy toils and cares are o'er; / And sorrow , pain, and suffering now / Shall ne'er distress thee more. / Brother rest from sin and sorrow / Death is o'er , and life is won - / (On R): On thy slumber dawns no morrow / Rest; thine earthly race is run. / Brother thou art gone to rest; / And this shall be our prayer - / that when we reach our journeys end / Thy glory we may share. / Fare thee well though woe is blending / With the tones of earthly love, / Triumph high and joy unending / Wait thee in the realms above. //
Historical Owner
Donated by Dorothy Fisher in memory of her husband, G. Baxter Fisher.
Salem County Historical Society, Salem County, NJ
Owner Private
Salem County Historical Society