Anthony, Anne (age 10)

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Anthony, Anne (age 10)
Date made
Newport, RI US
Cross, Satin, Tent
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
1 alphabet: missing the U, with ampersand. Vowels aeiouy. A panel with flowers, center panel with a large two story house in blue, two couples in colonial garb, trees and birds. A lower panel has three trees and figures of two men, three woman and one child. At the bottom a large urn from which eminates a flowered vine border ending with three large birds at the top.
(In panel #2): Anne Anthony Born April / 1 7 7 6 (rest is illegible). In the last panel: Tho Mercy is his darling Grace / In Which he Chiefly Takes Delight / Yet Will he all the humane Race / According to their Works requite / (On the urn at center bottom): Anne / Anthony / Born APril / 16 1776 / NeWport / 1786 //
Length Without Frame
17 11/16"
Width Without Frame
12 3/4"
Historical Owner
#57.580 Gift of Mr. Maxim Karolik 1957
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Owner Private
Museum of Fine Arts