Nivers, Julia Ann (1823-1870) (age 10)

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Nivers, Julia Ann (1823-1870) (age 10)
Date made
Crawford, NH US
Cross, Satin, Square,
In Bolton & Co.
Yes Page 254
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
4 alphabets. Numbers 1-12. Various cross bands. Two small baskets of flowers. Heart, diamond and other motifs. Across the bottom a depiction of the town of Crawford, NH with buildings, churches, trees. At center bottom a basket of roses. Reversing arcaded strawberry border all four sides. (Note: A picture of the bottom of this sampler is in American Samplers on page 254)
Julia Ann Nivers Sampler town of Crawford 1833 / THE YOUNG AND GIDDY invited to Christ / (On L): Young sinners to consel give ear / From Juvenile levity cease / The God of Omnipotence fear / The fountain of wisdom and peace / The Gospel illumines the way / To climes of extatick (sic) delight / Where storms never ruffle the day / And where it will never be night / (On R): Your pleasures are empty and vain / And can but a moment endure / They yield but confusion and pain / the soul to destruction allure / Why slight ye the Saviour O say / To save you he yielded his breath / The tempests of life he can lay / And cheer the lone valley of death //
Length Without Frame
18 7/8"
Width Without Frame
19 11/16"
Historical Owner
#1941-69-4 Bequest of Mrs. Henry E. Coe
Bolton & Co. Page
Page 254
Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York, NY
Owner Private
Cooper Hewitt Museum