Chadwick, Sarah (age 11)

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Chadwick, Sarah (age 11)
Date made
Newport, RI US
Cross, Satin, Stem, Eyelet,
In Bolton & Co.
No Verse #132 1752 Page 272
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
2 alphabets: uppercase block missing J, the U and V are transposed, uppercase script missing the J, U and X. Numbers to 10. A wide cross band with a large plant in the center with two facing blue birds. Flowering vine border terminating at the bottom with two facing yellow birds and at the top with a yellow butterfly.
(Near the top): This Work In Hand MY Friends / May Have When I am Dead / And Laid In Grave / Sarah Chad / Wick Her Sampler Made In / The EleVenth Year OF Her age / (Near the bottom): Arise, Awake Your Lamps To Take And Do / No Longer Slumber You Must Then Turn / To Waite On Him Unto His Wedding Chamb (ber)sic. / / Sarah Chadwick Was Born January The 27 / 1765 And made this this sept 1777 / The Blooming Rose Doth soon Decay And I a / Las Must ware a way Though I am young it / May Be seen I May Be Cropt While I Am Green //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
Historical Owner
PSNC.1713 Purchased
The Preservation Society of Newport County, Newport, RI
Owner Private
The Preservation Society of Newport County