- Maker
- Ganzevoort, Maria
- Date made
- 1802
- Origin
- Albany, NY US
- Stitches
- Cross
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- Religious prayers stitched in two columns. Reversing arcaded strawberry border all four sides.
- Inscription
- (Note: uses the long style S): I Believe in God the Fa / ther Almighty Maker of Hea / ven and earth / And in Jesus Christ his only son / our Lord who was conceived / in the Holy ghost born of the / virgin Mary suffered under / Pontious Pilate Was cruscified / bead and buried. He descended / into Hell the Third day he rose / again from the dead He ascen / ded into Heaven and sitheth on / the right hand of God the Fa / ther Almigty From thence he / shall come to judge the quick / and the dead / I believe in the Holy Ghost The / Holy Catholick Church the / Communion of saints the For // (In second column): giveness of sins Resur / rection of the Body and / Life everlasting. Amen. / Our Father Who art in / Heaven Hallowed be thy na / me thy Kingdom Come thy / Will be done on Earth as it / is in heaven Give us this / Day our Dayly Bread And / forgive us our Trespasses / as we forgive them that / Trespass against us And / lead us not into Temptation / But deliver us from evil for / thine is the Kingdom the pow / er and Glory Amen / Maria Ganzevoort / Albany March 23. 1802.......
- Length Without Frame
- 18"
- Width Without Frame
- 13"
- Original Frame
- Unframed
- Historical Owner
- #1965.32.2 Gift of Ms. Agnes Moorewood
- Owner
- Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, NY
- Owner Private
- Albany Institute of History & Art