
View Favorites
Date made
Hadley, MA US
Cross, Crosslet.
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
A memorial to the Reverend Samuel Hopkins of Hadley, MA. Upper top has a small empty square perhaps intended for a memorial monument or an urn. One cross band. Solid border.
(On L): On the 8th day of / March in the year / of our LORD 1811 / Died the Rev / Samuel Hopkins / / (On the R): DD in the 82d year of / his age who for more / than half a century had / been Pastor of the / Church in Hadley / / On the 12 day of the same month was paid to his remains / by weeping relatives and an affectionate people the last sad / office of esteem and friendship On the Lords day follow / ing a sermon was delivered by the Rev Iohn Woodbridge / surviving Pastor from the valadictory address of St Paul / to the Church of Corinth 2d CORINTHIANS 1811 / Finally brethren farewell Be perfect be of good comfort / be of one mind live in peace and the God of love and / peace shall be with you / / Behold the day cometh that shll burn as an oven and all / that do wickedly yea and all the proud shall be stubble and / the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of / HOSTS that it shall leave them neither root nor branch / But unto you that fear my Name shall the Sun of righteous / ness arise with healing in His wings. They that trust in the / Lord shall be as mount Zion which cannot be removed / but abideth for ever As the mountains are round about / Jerusalem so the Lord is round about His people * / Hence in one peal of loud eternal praise the charmd / Spectators thunder their applause. //
Length Without Frame
17 1/2"
Width Without Frame
13 1/2"
Original Frame
Historical Owner
#E 388183 Gift of Dr. And Mrs. Arthur M. Greenwood.
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Owner Private
Smithsonian Institution