- Maker
- Ross, Margaret
- Date made
- 1828
- Origin
- Eastern PA, US
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- 1 alphabet: uppercase block, q not Q. Baskets of flowers, flowers in circular wreaths. Saw tooth border across bottom with a arcaded small flower border across the top and down both sides. A silk outer ribbon border with peach colored rosettes at each corner (upper R missing).
- Inscription
- (On L side near bottom): My follies past O God forgive / My every sin subdue to live / And teach me henceforth how / With glory in my view. (On R side near bottom): 1828 / How vain are all things here / How false and yet how fair / Each pleasure hath its poison too / and every sweet a snare. (At center bottom): an Emblem of / Innocence
- Historical Owner
- #N1993.001.1315
- Owner
- Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington, DE
- Owner Private
- Delaware Historical Society