Ramsey, Margaret (age 8)

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Ramsey, Margaret (age 8)
Date made
Albany, NY US
Cross, Tent, Stem, Chain, Split, Satin, Buttonhole, Lace stitch.
In Bolton & Co.
Yes Page 70 Illus. page 99
Foundation Cloth
Linen (?)
Embroidery Thread
Silk (?)
Predominent Motif
Adam and Eve, the serpent and the Tree of Knowledge. Above, a fence with flowers and above that a cottage. (Note): Sampler is listed on page 70 of American Samplers by Bolton & Coe, and is illustrated on page 99.
(On the L): M A R G A / R E T / R A M S / W O R K / A G E D / E I G H T / Y E A R S (On R): A L B A N Y / O N E T H O / U S A N D / S E V E N / H R N / D R D / E I G H T Y / N I N E //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
Bolton & Co. Page
70 illustrated on page 99.
The Embroiderers' Guild of America
Owner Private
The Embroiderers' Guild of America