Whitcomb, Sally (1800-1870) (age 10)

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Whitcomb, Sally (1800-1870) (age 10)
Date made
ca. 1810
Randolph, MA US
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
3 alphabets: uppercase script and lowercase missing the J. Lowercase has both the long and the short style S. One ampersand. Numbers 1-8 plus 7. Sampler is divided into five squares of information. Simple stitched lines and border.
(On the L): Parents: Moses Whitcomb was / born April 8 1789 / Rachel Whitcomb was / born June 30 in the year 1765 / Children / Bathsheba Whitcomb was born September 24 1788 / Moses Whitcomb was / born January 2 1791 / Clarissa Whitcomb was / born May 6 in the year 1794 / Sally Whitcomb was born / August 17 in the year 1800 / (On the R): Next unto God dear Parents / I address myself to you / In humble thankfulness / For all your care and charge / On me bestowed the means / Of learning unto me allowed / Sally Whitcomb is my nane / Newengland is my station / Ranolph is my native place / And Christ is my salvation / Robert Harris was marri / ed to Bathsheba Whitcomb / April 30 in the year 1809 //
Length Without Frame
35.5 cm
Width Without Frame
38 cm
Historical Owner
#02.003 Gift of Lauren and Frederick Burton, 2013
Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA
Owner Private
Massachusetts Historical Society