Potter, Lucy

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Potter, Lucy
Date made
ca. 1791
Providence, RI US
Rococo, Roumanian, Satin, Stem, Tent
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
A beautiful sampler done in four panels: top panel with an angel on both sides, two facing birds above a heart in the center. Panel #2 a centered flowering tree with three birds, large flowers on both sides and a deer being chased by a dog. Panel #3 a woman on the L side faces a man with a small dog on the R side. Five sheep stand among flowering plants between them. Bottom panel has two pine trees,one flowering tree with two animals beneath it and a man and woman in colonial garb on each side. A leaf and flower border emanate from an urn at the L & R bottom corners. Done at the Balch School, Providence, RI
(On top L): April / Teach us so / to number our days / (On R): 1 7 9 1 / That we may / apply our hearts to / (Center): W I S D O M (In panel #3): May spotless innocence and truth / my every action guide / And guard my unexperienced youth / from arrogance and pride / (At the bottom): L U C Y P O T T E R ' S WORK PROVIDENCE //
Length Without Frame
17 1/8"
Width Without Frame
13 1/2"
Historical Owner
#1942.34 Gift of Naomi Donnelly through the Needlework & Textile Guild
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Owner Private
Art Institute of Chicago
Name of School
Polly Balch School, Providence, RI