- Maker
- Smith, Ann
- Date made
- 1736
- Origin
- England
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- Numbers 1-25 / Simple stitched lines. At the bottom crown, heart and diamon motifs.
- Inscription
- OUR Father, which art in Heaven / hallowed be thy Name, thy King / dom come, thy will be done on EartH / as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day * / our daily BRead, and forgive us our * / Trespasses, as we forgive them that / TRespass against us: And lead us not into / Temptaion, but deliver us from Evil * / For thine is the Kingdom, and the * / power, and the glory, for ever Amen / (Near the bottom): Ann Smith end / s this sample / r the 1 DaY OF / MArch 1 7 3 6 /
- Length Without Frame
- 9"
- Width Without Frame
- 19 3/4"
- Historical Owner
- #1997.7.26 Martha Clawson Reed Collection
- Owner
- Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
- Owner Private
- Vassar College Loeb Art Center