Watrous, Caroline (aage 18)

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Watrous, Caroline (aage 18)
Date made
ca. 1815
Colchester, CT US
Satin, Encroaching satin, Long and short, Couching.
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Silk, Chenille, Metallic, Sequins
Predominent Motif
On old man with white hair and beard, dressed in a long robe stands next to a young woman in a cream-colored dress and a white shawl. They are both looking to the R at a man on a beach in the distance. He holds a scroll in his R hand and points to the clouds which contain the head and torso of a figure playing a lyre with his L hand. A second scroll lies on the ground in the L foreground. In the L background is a cave or structure with a door which reveals a showy dark figure of a man carrying wood logs and sticks.
(Painted in gold paint on the edge of the glass): CAROLINE WATROUS. A SCENE FROM THE TEMPEST
Length Without Frame
Length With Frame
28 5/8"
Width Without Frame
25 3/4"
Wdith With Frame
32 1/2"
Historical Owner
#1986.157.0 Museum purchase
Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, CT
Owner Private
Connecticut Historical Society