Sprague, Phebe (age 11)

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Sprague, Phebe (age 11)
Date made
Cranston, RI US
In Bolton & Co.
Yes Page 225 Verse 28, 609, 700
Foundation Cloth
Predominent Motif
3 alphabets: #3 missing the J. Numbers 1-11. A wide cross band at the top of flowers and at the bottom of birds with simple stitched lines between. Various small motifs. Single stitch border. (Note: for an identical sampler see #2928 done by Mary Sprague (sister or cousin?) also done in 1807).
Phebe Sprague of / Cranston Was born on Tuesday May 10th AD 1796 / Virtue is the chiefest beauty of the mind / The noblest ornament of human kind / Virtue is our safeguard and our guiding star / That stirs up true reason when our senses err / I have seen the bright azure of morn / With darkness and clouds shadow'd o?er / I have found that the rose has a thorn / Which will wound when its bloom is no more // (In a small square at the bottom R): Let vir / tue be / a guide / to thee // Work done of Phebe Sprague AD 1807
Length Without Frame
16 1/2"
Width Without Frame
16 1/2"
Historical Owner
#1999.72.11 Gift of Claflin Brothers
Bolton & Co. Page
225 Verses 28, 609, 700
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI
Owner Private
Rhode Island Historical Society