- Maker
- Manchester, Betsy
- Date made
- 1793
- Origin
- Providence, RI US
- Stitches
- Cross, Satin.
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- Two trumpeting angels on either side of a heart near the top, two women holding hands standing near two trees, a bird, stag, sheep and cat in center, a lady and gentleman on either side of a tree near two evergreens, a sheep and a dog near the bottom. A flowering vine grows from 2 urns at the bottom corners with flowers rising to form border. Strawberries across the bottom.
- Inscription
- Providence July 31 / 1793 / Teach us fo(r) to number our / days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom / / May Spotless innocence and truth / my every action guide / And guard my unexperienced youth / from arragance and pride / / BETSY MANCHESTERS WORK
- Historical Owner
- #1944.994
- Owner
- Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, WI
- Owner Private
- Wisconsin Historical Society
- Name of School
- Miss Mary (Polly) Balch, Providence, RI