Leonard, Clarissa (age 12)

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Leonard, Clarissa (age 12)
Date made
Enfield, MA US
Cross, Crosslet, Outline, Straight, Stem, Feather, French Knot.
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
Family record is worked entirely in black within a simple saw tooth border. Some numbers and letters are visible only in ultra violet light. Border of meandering vine with roses, rosebuds and leaves all four sides. Done at a school in Enfield, MA. (Note; Feeding Hills is a part of the town of Agawam, MA).
RECORD / Mr Rufus Leonard born August 30th AS 1774. Married to / Miss Betsey Flower June 11th 1794. She was born Novr 25th 1773 / CHildrens Names Births Death Tamar Leonard January 2d AD 1795 Died Sept 3d 1825 / Maria Leonard July 1st AD 1798 / Flower Leonard February 2d 1803 / Mrs Betsey Leonard Died February 2d AD 1803 / Mr Rufus Leonard Married Miss Anna Pheland January / 28th AD 1805. She was born December 28th 1780 / Names Birth Death / A atine Leonard March 28th AD 1807 / Rufus Leonard July 12th AD 1809 / Sarah Leonard October AD 1811 / Clarissa Leonard May st AD 1815 / An Leonard March 25th AD 1817 / Thankfull Leonard December 19th AD 1829 / Wrought by Clarissa Leonard Feedinghills, Aged 12 Years* / Under the tuition of Eliza L. Stone Enfield, County Hampshire, / State of Massachusetts //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
17 5/8"
Historical Owner
#1983.0617.05 Gift of Mrs. Robert Stephens.
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Owner Private
Smithsonian Institution
Name of School
? School, Enfield, MA