Fox, Nancy (age 12)

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Fox, Nancy (age 12)
Date made
Woodstoc(k), NY US
Satin, Cross
In Bolton & Co.
Yes Page 158 Verse 465
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
3 alphabets. Row of sheep, dogs and basket with rose branches. Branches with birds, nests and egg. Diamond-shaped figures. Verse spells the word: RELIGION
Religion, fair descendant from above / Eternal source of happiness and love / Low at thy throne I fall and do implore / In my soft bosom all thy grace store / Grant me a heart obedient to thy laws / Incline to reverence and maintain thy cause / O grant my steps to your celestial skies / Nor leave me here till I to them shall rise / Nancy Fox Sampler Woodstoc / July 30th 1821 Aged 12 years
Length With Frame
20 3/4"
Wdith With Frame
18 3/4"
Historical Owner
#1997.7.129 Martha Clawson Reed Collection
Bolton & Co. Page
158 Verse #465
Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Owner Private
Vassar College Loeb Art Center