Stubbs, Sally (age 12)

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Stubbs, Sally (age 12)
Date made
Nantucket, MA
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
3 alphabets: each complete. Numbers 1-9. Across the top a row of signature Nantucket trees. In the center a three story house with five bays across the front, four chimneys (two at each end), a central doorway with glazed sidelights at the door. A large fruit tree on each side, hanging bird cages, children playing with dogs,. A large front lawn with a gated pathway. Two young girls face each other on both sides of the lawn. Reversing arcaded border all four sides. (Note: the house portrayed is most likely the Captain Silas Jones House at 5 Orange Street, Nantucket, built ca. 1774).
Sally Stubbs her Sampler mark- - ed in The Year of our Lord 1799 / When this you do behold You'l See my age is 12 Year old Jan-y th 28 / The Rose is red The grass is green The days are past which I have seen //
Length Without Frame
16 3/4"
Width Without Frame
16 1/2"
Historical Owner
#1987.0065.001 Gift of Mrs. Alan I. Newhouse
Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, MA
Owner Private
Nantucket Historical Association