Philbrick, Betsey or Sarah (?)

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Philbrick, Betsey or Sarah (?)
Date made
ca. 1840
Cornish, ME US
In Bolton & Co.
Predominent Motif
Philbrick family register with names listed. Meandering border with a small leaf pattern. Sampler is unfinished.
Samuel Philbrick was born in / Exeter County of Rockingham / and state of New HamPshire June / 12 1785 and married to Betsey / White June 29 1809(?) who was / born in Canandaigua County of Ken / nebeck and Commonwealth of / Massachusetts march ?? 1793 / Children / Hannah R Philbrick / Betsey ? Philbrick / Sarah ? Philbrick / Samuel W(hite) Philbrick / Mary L Philbrick / Ellen (A) Philbrick / William Philbrick / Jane R(owell) Philbrick / Joseph H(enry) Philbrick / George Philbrick / Alma A(nn) Philbrick / Clara Philbrick //
Historical Owner
Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME
Owner Private
Maine Historical Society