Rees, Sara

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Rees, Sara
Date made
Cross, Satin, Chain, Eyelet, Herringbone, Knots.
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
4 alphabets: all missing the J, some with an ampersand at the end. Numbers 1-20 (extra 1 between 19 & 20). Several narrow cross bands. Geometric depiction of Adam & Eve with serpent & tree on R. On L a man stands beside a tree, two animals. Baskets of flowers, birds. Saw tooth border across top. Sampler appears to be unfinished.
Sara Rees AD 1791 / / (On L): Remove far from me vanity and / Lies Give me neither poverty nor ri(ches) / Feed me with foo(d) convemert for / me Lest I be full and deny thee & / say who is the Lord or Lest I be / poor & steal & take the name of my God vain. (On R): Our Father which ar in heaven Ha / llowed be thy Name thy kingdom / thy come thy will be done in Earth / As it is in Heaven Give us this day / Our daily bread And forgive us ou(r) / Trespasses as we forgive them / that trespass against us and lead / us not into temptation but deliver / us from evil for thine is the kingd / om the power and the glory fore / evr and evr Amen //
Length Without Frame
Width Without Frame
15 5/8"
Original Frame
Historical Owner
#1937.344 Purchased from the Elie Nadelman collection.
New York Historical Society, New York, NY
Owner Private
New York Historical Society