Young, Anne

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Young, Anne
Date made
Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada
Cross, Algerian Eye, Flat Satin
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
1 alphabet: uppercase block: 26 letters. Diamond cross band separates the two verses. Strawberry vine border all four sides.
The Rose / How fair is the rose what a beautiful flow'r in summer so fragrant and gay / But the leaves are beginning to fade in an hour and they wither and die in a day ./ Yet The Rose has one powerful virtue to boast, above all the flowers of the field. / When its leaves are all dead and the colors lost how sweet a perfume it yields. / So frail is the youth and beauty of men, though they bloom and look gay like a rose / For all our fond care to preserve them is vain, time kills them as fast as he goes. / Then I'll not be proud of my youth or my beauty, since both of them wither and fade / But gain a good name by performing my duty, this will scent like a rose when I'm dead. / / To Winter / / When raging storms deform the air, and clouds of snow descend, / And the wide landscape bright and fair, no deepen'd colours blend. / Then let your boumeous hand extend, its blessings to the poor, / Nor spurn the wretched while they bend, all suppliant at your door. / / Ann Young Sydney December 13th 1849
Length Without Frame
47.1 cm
Width Without Frame
43.1 cm
Original Frame
Historical Owner
Private collector