- Maker
- Upton, Atta Downing
- Date made
- ca. 1800
- Origin
- New England US
- Stitches
- Cross, Satin, Long and Short, Filling, Eyelet, Split, Chain, Rice.
- In Bolton & Co.
- No
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- 1 alphabet: no J or V. Numbers 1-10. A two story house with 2 chimneys at center bottom, a tree on each side and bushes with flowers. Birds sit in the trees and bushes. A dog stands on each side of house. All done in a saw tooth framed square surrounded by an wide arcaded carnation border.
- Inscription
- This needle work of mine can tell When I was young I / lerned (sic) well And by my parents I was taught not to spen / d my time at naught ///// (At the bottom): Atta Downing Upton her work Born janury (sic) 25 1789 / When the grass is green and rose is red hear is my name when I am ded.
- Length Without Frame
- 15 3/416 1/2"
- Length With Frame
- 17 3/16"
- Wdith With Frame
- 18 1/16"
- Original Frame
- Yes
- Historical Owner
- #1964.74 Gift of Miss Mattie E. Brown
- Owner
- Historic New England, Haverhill, MA
- Owner Private
- Historic New England