- Maker
- Greenough, Eliza
- Date made
- 1809
- Origin
- Haverhill, Essex Cty MA US
- Stitches
- Stem, Tent, Satin, Cross.
- In Bolton & Co.
- Yes.......... Verse #111. 1808. Page 165
- Foundation Cloth
- Linen
- Embroidery Thread
- Silk
- Predominent Motif
- 2 alphabets: uppercase no J, and lower case. Numbers 1-9. 2 pots on each side with flowers and oak leaves. Landscape of pine trees across lower portion with tulip design at the bottom. Flowing up from a basket at bottom R and L sides, a grapevine and flower border.
- Inscription
- While thus we practice every art to adorn and grace our / mortal part let us with no less care devise to improve the / mind that never dies. / ELIZA GREENOUGH wrought this in 1809 / HAVERHILL COUNTY ESSEX //
- Length Without Frame
- 17"
- Length With Frame
- 22 5/8"
- Width Without Frame
- 20 3/4"
- Wdith With Frame
- 19"
- Owner
- NSCDA Martin House Farm, N. Swansea, MA
- Owner Private
- NSCDA-Martin House Farm