Burrill, Sally (age 10)

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Burrill, Sally (age 10)
Date made
Lynn, MA US
Cross, Satin
In Bolton & Co.
Foundation Cloth
Embroidery Thread
Predominent Motif
1 alphabet: J, W and X are missing. At the center top an urn with flowers with a fruit vine overhead. Two flower motifs on either side. Done in a large centered square with saw tooth side borders, a two story house with two chimneys, two sets of four flying birds. A woman and a man in colonial dress stand beneath a fruit tree, a small dog on the L, an overly large deer on the R, two sets of four flying birds in the sky. At the bottom R and L perched on a branch are large blue birds, wings outspread. Saw tooth border up both sides and across the top.
Why weeps Columbia on her Glorys fled / Her guardian hope her friend yea saviors dead / then on my sampler let me work his name / For not on brass nor stone depends his fame / On each Columbian heart while rolls the sun / Shall stand inscribed the name of WASHINGTON / Sally Burrill Aged 10. Lynn. August 11 1800 //
Historical Owner
Private Collector
Owner Private
Cathy Rodovsky