A MORNING IN SPRING /To the bright the rosy morning/ Calls me forth to take the air/ Cheerful spring with smiles returning /Ushers in the new born year. /Praise to thee thou great Creator /Praise be thine from every tongue /Join my soul with every creature /Join the universal song.

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
A MORNING IN SPRING /To the bright the rosy morning/ Calls me forth to take the air/ Cheerful spring with smiles returning /Ushers in the new born year. /Praise to thee thou great Creator /Praise be thine from every tongue /Join my soul with every creature /Join the universal song.
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Lucy Stickney
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Charlestown, MA
Sampler Listed on Page
No author. Broadside Ballads. Printed by George Walker 1800-1900. Durham, England.
These are the first and eighth verses of the poem “Morning in Spring” Full poem is here: https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn9/7489/74894250.9.htm