- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 38
- Full Text
- A MORNING IN SPRING /To the bright the rosy morning/ Calls me forth to take the air/ Cheerful spring with smiles returning /Ushers in the new born year. /Praise to thee thou great Creator /Praise be thine from every tongue /Join my soul with every creature /Join the universal song.
- Listed on Page Number
- 260
- Sampler Worked By
- Lucy Stickney
- Date of Sampler
- 1830
- Place Sampler Made
- Charlestown, MA
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 226
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- No author. Broadside Ballads. Printed by George Walker 1800-1900. Durham, England.
- Notes
- These are the first and eighth verses of the poem “Morning in Spring”
Full poem is here: https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn9/7489/74894250.9.htm