Absent or dead still let a friend be dear A sigh the absent claim, the dead a tear

Full Text
Absent or dead still let a friend be dear A sigh the absent claim, the dead a tear
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Sarah Wyatt Miller
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Salem, New Jersey
Sampler Listed on Page
Parnell, Thomas. London, England, 1717
Sampler worked by: S.W. Miller (Sarah Wyatt) Parnell was an Irish Poet who lived in London at the time this was written. This was an Epistle from a poetic letter addressed to Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. The Epistle was published in 1721 by Alexander Pope, a well known poet himself and friend of Parnell’s. https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Poetical_Works_of_Thomas_Parnell/Poem_1