- Full Text
- As diamonds rough no lustre can impart
Till polish’d and improv’d by aiding Art
So untaught youth we very rarely find
Display the dazzling Beauties of the mind
Till art and science are with nature joined
- Listed on Page Number
- 268
- Sampler Worked By
- Hannah Janney
- Date of Sampler
- 1785
- Place Sampler Made
- possibly Loudon County, VA
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 55
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- included in a publication by: Buchanan, James. “The British Grammar or an Essay in Four Parts”, England 1762 American Edition Boston, MA, 1784.
- Notes
- Sampler worked by Hannah Janney included verse 94 and 96
Hannah Janney was the mother of Johns Hopkins, philanthropist. She was born in Loudon County, VA.