BUDDING ROSE [THE ROSEBUD] Queen of fragrance, Lovely Rose The beauty of thy leaves disclose; The winter’s past, the tempests fly, Soft gales breathe gently thro the sky; The lark sweet warbling on the wing Salutes the gay return of spring

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
BUDDING ROSE [THE ROSEBUD] Queen of fragrance, Lovely Rose The beauty of thy leaves disclose; The winter’s past, the tempests fly, Soft gales breathe gently thro the sky; The lark sweet warbling on the wing Salutes the gay return of spring
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Martha Capen Edmands
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Charlestown, MA
Sampler Listed on Page
Broome, William (1689–1745), 'Poems on Several Occasions' (London: Bernard Lintot, 1727).
The poem was reduced to its first 6 lines. Link to full poem: https://divinity.duke.edu/sites/divinity.duke.edu/files/documents/cswt/01_MS_Poetry_Miscellany_%281730%29.pdf Also published by John Wesley in: Broome, “The Rose-bud: To a Young Lady,” Poems, 82–84. Wesley published in Arminian Magazine 1 (1778): 96.