Happy the child whose green unpractised years The guiding hand of parent fondness rears To rich instructions ample field removes Prunes every fault and every worth improves. Till the young mind unfolds each secret charm With genius bright with cherished virtue warm Like the Spring’s boast the lovely plant shall rise in grateful odors to the nurturing skies.

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
Happy the child whose green unpractised years The guiding hand of parent fondness rears To rich instructions ample field removes Prunes every fault and every worth improves. Till the young mind unfolds each secret charm With genius bright with cherished virtue warm Like the Spring’s boast the lovely plant shall rise in grateful odors to the nurturing skies.
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Patty Dyer
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Providence, RI
Sampler Listed on Page
Bingham, Caleb. The American preceptor; being a new selection of lessons for reading and speaking. Designed for the use of schools, Boston US 1794 (page 71, verse 4)
Also stitced by: Emily Prescott, September 1, 1804, p.211 https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=evans;cc=evans;type=simple;rgn=div1;q1=happy%20the%20child;firstpubl1=1470;firstpubl2=1820;view=text;subview=detail;sort=occur;idno=N20339.0001.001;node=N20339.0001.001:38