- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 28
- Full Text
- I have seen the bright azure of morn/ I have found that the rose has a thorn/ With darkness and clouds shadowed o’er/ Which will wound when its bloom is no more
- Listed on Page Number
- 259
- Sampler Worked By
- Celia Sheldon
- Date of Sampler
- 1806
- Place Sampler Made
- Cranston (probably Rhode Island)
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 221
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- No result found.
- Notes
- Notes:
Also worked by:
Mary Sprague, (1806), p.225;
Phebe Sprague, (1807), p 225;
Elizabeth T. Fisk (1830), p157.
For full text see page 3 and 4 of this link:
Emerald, or Miscellany of Literature. Vol II 1807 (formerly Boston Magazine)
Printed in above publication but not the original publication. Can be found reprinted in several publications with no author and titles that are probably not original (e.g. Sonnet to Disappointment; A Retrospective view of Life.)