[I show thee] Friendship is delicate, as dear, [Of tender violations apt to die?] Reserve will wound it, and distrust, destroy. Deliberate on all things with thy friend. But since friends grow not thick on every bough Nor every friend unrotten at the core, First, on thy friend deliberate with thyself, Pause, ponder, sift; nor eager in the choice, Nor jealous of the chosen; fixing fix; Judge before friendship, the confide till death.

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
[I show thee] Friendship is delicate, as dear, [Of tender violations apt to die?] Reserve will wound it, and distrust, destroy. Deliberate on all things with thy friend. But since friends grow not thick on every bough Nor every friend unrotten at the core, First, on thy friend deliberate with thyself, Pause, ponder, sift; nor eager in the choice, Nor jealous of the chosen; fixing fix; Judge before friendship, the confide till death.
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Anna Huntington
Date of Sampler
Feb 1816
Place Sampler Made
Snowden Hill, New Hartford, CT
Sampler Listed on Page
Young, Edward, D.D., “Night Thoughts. Night II”, England, 1742-1744.
Edward Young (1681-1765) https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream/11375/14644/1/fulltext.pdf In above link go to pg 35 “COMPLAINT. Night II on Time, Death, and Friendship”. (lines 560-570) to see this verse. Night Thoughts. Night II Already noted in Bolton and Coe, pg 266.