My parents care points out the way And I as cheerfully obey And with my needle let you see What pains my tutor took with me.

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
My parents care points out the way And I as cheerfully obey And with my needle let you see What pains my tutor took with me.
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Sarah Ann Marriott Collins
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Sampler Listed on Page
see 41a
This verse is similar to the verse 41 and 41a, attributed to Sewall, Samuel (1652-1730) “The Diary of Samuel Sewall”, Boston, MA/late 1600’s. though 'tutor' is inserted instead of 'parents' . No different author is found. Author cited is of the original verse which is: “This I did to let you see what care my parents took of me.”