Sweet bud to Myra’s bosom go And live beneath her eye; There in the sun of beauty blow Or taste of heaven and die Sweet earnest of the Blooming year, Whose dawning beauties speak The budding blush of summer neaaaaar, The summer on her check. Bless’d emblem of the maid I love, Resembling beauty’s morn, To Myra’s bosom hast, and prove One rose without a thorn

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
Sweet bud to Myra’s bosom go And live beneath her eye; There in the sun of beauty blow Or taste of heaven and die Sweet earnest of the Blooming year, Whose dawning beauties speak The budding blush of summer neaaaaar, The summer on her check. Bless’d emblem of the maid I love, Resembling beauty’s morn, To Myra’s bosom hast, and prove One rose without a thorn
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Mary Furlong
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Sampler Listed on Page
Theophilus Swift, Esq. “To a Young Lady with Rose-bud”
Anthologia: A Collection of Epigrams, Ludicrous Epitaphs, Sonnets, Tale…. #158 Sampler uses the first six lines of the poem.