The broad Atlantic rolls between Fair England’s isle and me On Fancy’s winds I fly unseen And oft converse with theeN No Barrier ocean can divide Affection’s kindred love And that I’ve ne’er forgotten thee Let this Memento prove

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
The broad Atlantic rolls between Fair England’s isle and me On Fancy’s winds I fly unseen And oft converse with theeN No Barrier ocean can divide Affection’s kindred love And that I’ve ne’er forgotten thee Let this Memento prove
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Caroline Grimes
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
New York City
Sampler Listed on Page
No result found.
Purpose of this sampler -to be sent to her grandmother in England in 1803 another sent in 1799 An earlier one sent by Hannah Wilson Bradford, Yorkshire, Old England to Phebe Speakman, Concord, North America, 1799 – It arrived!!