- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 16
- Full Text
- The broad Atlantic rolls between Fair England’s isle and me On Fancy’s winds I fly unseen And oft converse with theeN No Barrier ocean can divide Affection’s kindred love And that I’ve ne’er forgotten thee Let this Memento prove
- Listed on Page Number
- 257
- Sampler Worked By
- Caroline Grimes
- Date of Sampler
- 1803
- Place Sampler Made
- New York City
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 97
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- No result found.
- Notes
- Purpose of this sampler -to be sent to her grandmother in England in 1803 another sent in 1799
An earlier one sent by Hannah Wilson Bradford, Yorkshire, Old England to Phebe Speakman, Concord, North America, 1799 – It arrived!!