The world, my dear Myra, is full of deceit, /And friendship's a jewel we seldom can meet;/ How strange does it seem that, in searching around, /This source of content is so rare to be found?

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
The world, my dear Myra, is full of deceit, /And friendship's a jewel we seldom can meet;/ How strange does it seem that, in searching around, /This source of content is so rare to be found?
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Lucy Ripley
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Hartford, CT
Sampler Listed on Page
Pope, Alexander/ See Notes…written for a performance /England/1758
Written for a 1758 performance at Ranelagh Pleasure Gardens and sung by Catherine (Kitty) Fourmantel. Composer: James Oswald,_my_dear_Myra_(James_Oswald "The world my dear Myra is full of deceit " (sampler may say Mary) Pg. 265 says Mary